Thursday, May 23, 2013

being shy

This school year is coming to an end and I must say it was one of my favorites. If I could change one thing though, I would have liked to be more social. I am a very shy person and I have a lot of trouble talking to people that I don't know. I have made a lot of progress being more social since last year but I would have liked to talk to more people and make more friends this year. Last year I went through the whole school year without talking to anyone or making any friends. Every day I would get anxiety about sitting alone during lunch. The day before my first day at Diamond, I told myself that this year would be different and I would actually talk to people and make friendships. I am happy to say that I was able to do this. Coming to a new school where you don't know anyone can be very difficult and overwhelming but I did make friends. And they are amazing friends. I know this year would have been so much different if I had kept to myself and not socialized with anyone like I did last year. I am so glad that I am getting better at being less shy but it is still something that I struggle with and have to work on.

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